In Pennsylvania, counties coordinate certain programs and supports directly at the county level. Jobs are available working with children and families through child welfare, assisting people with disabilities, coordinating behavioral health supports, and supporting administrative and operational work in all counties around the commonwealth. Select your county to be directed to job postings in your county. Please contact your county for more information about these positions.
The most common job groups, by number of people living in Allegheny County, PA, are Office & Administrative Support Occupations (72,488 people), Management Occupations (68,232 people), and Sales & Related Occupations (61,992 people). This chart illustrates the share breakdown of the primary jobs held by residents of Allegheny County, PA.
alleghey county jobs
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/g, \\"\\").replace(//g, \\"\\") : \\"\\";"},"id":5,"name":"Abbreviate","description":"Abbreviates a number into a smaller more human-readible number.","logic":"if (typeof n !== \\"number\\") return \\"N/A\\"; \\n\\nvar negative = n = 3) \\n var f = libs.d3.format(\\".3s\\")(n).replace(\\"G\\", \\"B\\");\\n var num = f.slice(0, -1);\\n var char = f.slice(f.length - 1);\\n val = \\"\\" + (parseFloat(num)) + char;\\n\\nelse if (length === 3) val = libs.d3.format(\\",f\\")(n); \\nelse val = libs.d3.format(\\".3g\\")(n); \\n\\nreturn (\\"\\" + (negative && val.charAt(0) !== \\"\u2212\\" ? \\"\u2212\\" : \\"\\") + val)\\n .replace(/(\\\\.[0-9]*[1-9])[0]*$/g, \\"$1\\") /* removes any trailing zeros */\\n .replace(/[.][0]*$/g, \\"\\"); /* removes any trailing decimal point */","id":34,"name":"declinedGrewWord","description":"","logic":"return n 2ff7e9595c