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Andy Brinkerhoff: Hi. Thanks, LaToya. Hi, everyone. I'm just going to try and give a real quick overview of WisDOT's major projects, and then I'll just try to hit on a few key points, and the websites will be on the end of the slides for anybody who might want more information, and then I'm going to hand it over to the WisDOT folks. Go ahead and advance the next one. So, currently right now there are 12 major projects ongoing in Wisconsin. Seven of them are in final design or construction and five are in the NEPA phase. The majority of the projects are in the Milwaukee and Madison areas. The first one I'm going to talk about is the I-94 North-South project. It's been under construction since 2009. It's a 35- mile reconstruction and expansion project that extends from the city of Milwaukee down to the Illinois state line. Included in it is mainline expansion from six to eight lines and includes reconfiguration of 18 new interchanges and the construction of one new interchange. One of the interchanges is the Mitchell Interchange, which is a system interchange providing connection from I-94 to I-894, I-43, and the General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee. The Mitchell Interchange was completed in late 2013 and included three new cut-and-cover tunnels. EDC accelerated bridge construction technologies were used on the project, including the use of a self-propelled modular transporter in the construction of the Rawson Avenue Interchange. This involved the use of prefabricated columns and a pier cap, with the bridge being built in two sections on temporary shoring next to I-94, and then it was moved into place in one night. LaToya mentioned the Zoo Interchange. It has been under construction since 2012. It's in the city of Milwaukee. The interchange is a four-level system interchange located in a tight urban environment in the Milwaukee area. It includes the reconstruction of six service interchanges and three adjacent arterial roadways. It's also a POCI for Federal Highway. The project includes the construction of 65 structures and over 100 retaining walls. It included installation of adaptive signal controls along the reconstructed adjacent arterials and initial results have shown that the signals are highly effective. Next project I was going to touch on very quickly was US-41. It's been under construction since 2009.

CRACK Autodesk Design Review 2013 and Licence key

Mark Rolfe: Thank you, LaToya. Good afternoon, everyone. LaToya, I wanted to first start off by thanking you for inviting Connecticut, the DOT here, to share experiences with digital modeling on our major projects here in New Haven. So, today's presentation, I'm going to give you a quick overview of what we're doing with 3D modeling across the department. I'm going to discuss 3D modeling here in the Q Bridge program, and then talk about how it's been used to benefit, and I've asked John to do that. But speaking to our department-wide modeling efforts, Connecticut DOT is increasingly using digital modeling across a broad spectrum of projects. We're using Bentley software, which is capable of providing dynamic views to generate true-to-life details that automatically change as the design changes. Additionally, we're updating our design deliverables to include submission of a geospatially- correct 3D model that will be provided to our contractors for use building the project. Let me give you a quick overview of our program. This is in oblique aerial view of the Q Bridge program area in New Haven. It's a 7.2-mile reconstruction program. It's about 2 billion dollars in construction value. This is the centerpiece of it. Obviously we can't show all 7.2 miles. In the background is the Q Bridge, the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge. It's an extradosed cable structure that when complete will be ten lanes wide. In the foreground is the interchange of Interstate 95 and 91, and State Route 34. Those are three limited- access highways. It involves the construction of 18 new bridges, 12 highway ramps, and the removal of 21 existing bridges, all while maintaining in excess of 150 thousand vehicles every day. The starting point for any 3D model is existing condition, and this is a rendering of what we had on the Q corridor before we started. And of course this is leading to the final condition, and this is what the project will look like when we're done. I should say our project started highway construction activity in 2004. We're approaching 85 percent complete now. We're looking forward to an on-time completion in 2016. As with any simulation, the process is the existing condition disappears as the final condition appears, and this will be the final condition. There are a wide range of benefits with 3D and 4D modeling, and some of it was touched on by our colleagues in Wisconsin. Some of the more important areas are enhancing collaboration. It allows for cooperation and communication among all the team players. All project team members and stakeholders will see a single integrated view of the project in the construction staging, thus facilitating better understanding of the project and the project intent. It allows for and facilitates better communication with stakeholders. It allows all stakeholders to see a consistent and gain a visual understanding of what the project comprises early in the planning phase, right through construction. And then the last thing I'd like to mention, it allows for increased safety and potentially reduces risk. The 3D or 4D model can act as a QA/QC mechanism to reduce plan conflicts, find errors and clashes before construction begins, and we'll talk a little bit about more of some of those as we go on. This is a program collaboration diagram, something that we thought was very useful, because it illustrates the shared data of the digital model. It describes the two-way workflow between the owner, the contractor and the designer. User benefits are applicable to the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. We've found that the needs to be a shared asset that validates each party's understanding of the project as you move along. How do we get started? Well, when we were conducting the design review - when I see we, it's us on the construction side of the business - the Interchange project was extremely complex. As I mentioned, we had 12 construction phases, all those structures, all those turning roadways and all that traffic. We were struggling with the review of such a massive project because of the complex sequencing and a mix of traffic schemes. So in order to gain a better understanding of the work, we initiated the digital model, created the digital model. What did that do for us? Well, it helped us to validate the design, the traffic schemes that were depicted and the staged construction schemes were all valid and buildable. It helped us to identify possible conflicts prior to advertising the work, and it helped us reduce risk because we could look very closely at the interfaces and dependencies between the adjacent bridge construction project with the interchange project that was being advertised. The model also was provided to the bidders for the interchange to give them a better understanding and our interpretation of the work involved in the project. Like has been described before, these major projects involve more than a thousand plan sheets and scheduling activities that might be five thousand or more activities. So any tool that can provide a better level of understanding is going to be valuable to all the project participants. So let's talk about how the model was built. We started - looking at the upper left in the slide - we started with some survey data, from which was produced some two-dimensional CAD files. We added surfaces to those to create 3D images - that's in the lower left. To the 3D image that was created, we added ground terrain through the DTM, Digital Terrain Model. We used satellite imagery to provide geospatial orientation, and we added local context imaging to give a sense of place to the model that we created, and the outcome of that was a 3D model. So, adding the fourth element, the time element, involved the introduction of a CPM schedule. So in order to accomplish this, the 3D model needed to be tied to the CPM schedule. This was done element by element, and in fact, this task had to be done twice: first with our planning schedule developed during design, and later with the contractor's CPM schedule, developed after the award of the contract. There were over five thousand schedule activities, and each schedule activities needed to be tied to a project element. How do we bring it all together? All of the various data and information sources were combined using a software product called Navisworks. Navisworks acts as a platform to house various file types, 3D geometry files and schedule files, and also allows them to communicate with one another. I should note that Navisworks is an Autodesk product. Bentley has a similar product called Navigator, and I'm told that they both work with multiple file types. So adding detail to the model. This illustration - I'm going to start at the bottom, the line on the bottom, which is the element components. On the left side you'll see the pier shown as a single component; on the right side you can see it as seven objects. So combining the two, you can either show the pier being constructed as one unit, or broken down. Up on the top, you can see a sequence of construction, and here we're using color to depict the various stages of component construction, with each color representing a different phase, from rebar to forming to stripping to a completed pier. When you pull it all together, this is the model that you see, and the link is established between the 3D geometry and time, creating a 4D simulation that shows what construction activity is taking place at a particular moment in time, where on the project site this activity is located, and what is the duration of this activity. So Michael, if you could go ahead and start the video there. 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